Creating a Downtown Thousand Oaks

As the Civic Arts Plaza turns 30 years old, the City has an opportunity to re-envision the space to create the nucleus of its Downtown and spur reinvestment along Thousand Oaks Boulevard. 

Join an upcoming Community Conversation on the Downtown Project!

The Downtown Core Master Plan (DCMP) states a vision for a new Downtown for the City, with the Civic Arts Plaza (CAP) at its core. Informed by dozens of outreach events, focus groups, and community surveys, the DCMP defined the following goals:

  1. Be the “place to go” in the City of Thousand Oaks, offering diverse shopping and restaurant options. 
  2. Make more entertainment and nightlife choices available.
  3. Contains a variety of uses and gathering places that appeal to people of all ages.
  4. Provide a more attractive and comfortable environment for pedestrians.
  5. Require active pedestrian-oriented uses on the ground floor along the street.
  6. Contain wide sidewalks to allow for outdoor retail/seating.
  7. Offer sufficient and convenient district parking to allow visitors to “park once” to visit multiple businesses.
rendering of downtown thousand oaks

Project Description

The conceptual plan includes the construction of new public plazas, a food hall/public market, development of a vacant three-acre parcel west of Dallas Drive, construction of a new city hall building to enhance service delivery, and adaptive reuse of the existing city hall and tenant spaces for retail storefront, café, and restaurant uses. 

The current concept calls for a new interior roadway network, including a new pedestrian-friendly “Main Street” just south of Thousand Oaks Boulevard, traveling the entire length of the Civic Arts Plaza.  

Key Presentations

November 14, 2023 City Council Presentation

rendering of ampitheatre

How long will the project take to complete?

What types of stores will be in this Downtown?

What will it look like?

What is the existing Civic Arts Plaza used for?

Historical Documents
Downtown Master Plan Final | Click here to open
Civic Arts Plaza Specific Plan | Click here to open

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