Navigating a Path Home

The City Council approved funding and partnerships to create 30 units of temporary interim housing, also known as a Navigation Center. 

A Navigation Center is a critical access point and gateway to assist individuals experiencing homelessness. The onsite support and housing navigation services will help individuals become housing ready to transition to a more permanent housing environment. It is not the traditional drop-in shelter, but rather a comprehensive step toward assisting those seeking help.

Benefits include: 

  1. This missing component has hampered the City's ability to be more effective in its response to homelessness
  2. Full-time qualified operator on-site
  3. This location is city-owned property, and there are cost savings to siting the center on city property
  4. Navigation center models show very few calls for emergency services
  5. The operator will be required to provide 24-hour onsite security
  6. Persons cannot just walk up and receive services. Referrals must come from a local nonprofit agency or service provider, and preference is given to Thousand Oaks residents
  7. Seeking a modular housing system through the RFP process will reduce construction time and costs and is more cost-effective than not providing housing

The City was awarded $5.8 million in competitive grant funding to support the construction and operations of the Navigation Center, learn more here

View Past Meetings and Agendas

  1. September 24, 2024
  2. Staff Report
  3. City Council Meeting

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