Building and Maintaining our Critical Infrastructure

Every year a variety of street capital improvement projects are undertaken. In addition, the City maintains storm drains, water and wastewater pipelines, landscape medians, and the Hill Canyon Wastewater Treatment Plant. 

All projects are prioritized in conformance with the City's General Plan, Federal/State mandates, and local community standards. Projects are also highlighted in the City's CIP Budget.

Below is a current list of City projects. 

Contact the Public Works Team

landscape truck

After Hour Emergencies

Water or Wastewater

(805) 432-7078

Street or Landscape

(805) 432-7075

APWA Accreditation

APWA Accreditation Logo

In 2010, the City's Public Works Department was the first in Ventura County to be accredited by the American Public Works Association (APWA) and 62nd in the nation. The City has since been re-accredited three times. In November 2022, re-accreditation included a review of 534 policies, practices, and programs that were recorded as 100 percent compliant. The most recent accreditation will remain in place until 2026.

Traffic and Transportation Advisory Commission

overview of the city of thousand oaks

The Traffic and Transportation Advisory Commission as established to review information related to traffic issues and develop and recommend local and regional transportation needs and proposed solutions to City Council.