Area Housing Authority

The Area Housing Authority serves as the City’s public housing agency to provide housing opportunities for low-income families, counseling information and fair housing.

AHA implements the Federal Section 8 Rental Subsidy Program owns and manages public housing units within Ventura County. AHA is a County of Ventura Board.

Membership: There are three members representing the City of Thousand Oaks consisting of two City Council appointed commissioners and one at-large tenant representative (confirmed by City Council).

Term: 4 years (City Council appointees); 2 years (Tenant Representative)

Qualifications: City Residency for City Council appointees

Other Requirements: Conflict of Interest (Form 700) required

Area Housing Authority Committee Members
Term Expires
City Council Appointee
Mark Lunn
City Council Appointee
Charles Lech
At Large Tenant Representative
Angela Bradley
Minutes and Agendas
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