Water and Wastewater Services
The City of Thousand Oaks is one of two wastewater purveyors and one of four water purveyors serving residents and businesses in the Conejo Valley.
The City-operated utilities are public enterprises managed by the Public Works Department, with utility billing and customer service managed by the Finance Department. The City serves approximately 38,000 wastewater customers and 17,000 potable water customers.
The City of Thousand Oaks offers various convenient ways to pay your City-issued utility bill, including online, via automatic bill pay, at our convenient drop box location, and in person at City Hall.
Water and Wastewater Billing FAQs
Fee ordinances for wastewater and water rates and charges are adopted by City Council every two years based on approved Financial Plans and Cost of Service Studies. Click here to view the utility Financial Plans, Cost of Service Studies, and rate ordinances.
To schedule your start or stop date for City utility services you have two options:
- Submit your application online by clicking HERE.
- Call Finance Public Services at 805-449-2201 Option 3 during our business hours.
Request Date:
- The request date to start or stop utility services is limited to Monday through Thursday, excluding holidays, and is subject to approval.
- Processing time for this request typically takes 1-2 business days.
If you require immediate initiation or termination of services, please call Finance Public Services at (805) 449-2201 Option 3 during business hours.
AFTER-HOUR EMERGENCIES: For after-hour urgent matters related to water and wastewater, please contact our Public Works Municipal Service Center’s standby personnel at (805) 449-2499.
Here is a helpful guide on how to read your new bill and the details that will be provided on each bill.
- ONLINE:Click here to pay online with an electronic check or credit card*, available 24/7. Auto-Payments can also be scheduled. Electronic Billing is available to opt into. Convenience fees will apply to credit card transactions.
- BY PHONE: Call (805) 449-2600 to pay with an electronic check or credit card over the phone, available 24/7. You must have your account number available.
- BY MAIL: Mail your check payment directly to our payment processor. Please include the bottom portion of the bill in the envelope provided. Make check payable to CITY OF THOUSAND OAKS.
Mail to: City of Thousand Oaks
P.O. Box 887235
Los Angeles, CA 90088-7235
BY 24/7 DROP BOX OR IN-PERSON: Visit City Hall to make a payment. Checks can be placed in the secured drop box in the front parking lot. The drop box is available 24/7. Cash, checks, or credit cards are accepted in-person at the Customer Service counter during business hours.
Never miss your payment due date again. Process an automatic deduction from your checking account or credit card via automatic debit. Only the amount owed is deducted/charged. You will continue to receive a regular statement from the City to inform you of the amount to be deducted and your water usage. Click here to signup now. Benefits of autopay include:
- Accurate - Only the amount owed is deducted from your bank account.
- Economical - No need to incur postage costs! Payment is automatic deducted from your checking account or credit card (fees apply for credit card transactions)
- Convenient - Instead of writing a check every time you pay your water/wastewater bill, your bank will transfer the amount you owe to the City of Thousand Oaks. You will continue to receive a regular statement from the City to inform you of the amount to be deducted and your water usage.
Help save paper by signing up for paperless billing! To receive your bills by e-mail, you may sign up by logging into your account on First Billing or by calling Public Services at (805) 449-2201.
For water or wastewater-eligible customers who participate in the CARE program with Southern California Edison or SoCal Gas, the City of Thousand Oaks' UAP program provides $60.00 per year in wastewater assistance and $120.00 per year in water bill assistance, provided as discounts on your bill. Eligible customers can receive both. Renewals are required every two years. Click here to learn more.
The City of Thousand Oaks offers a one-time adjustment to their utility customers when there is an unusually high water usage due to unexplained causes or a leak within the customer’s property. To qualify, the water usage must be more than twice the reasonably expected bill for the period involved as evaluated by City staff. All leaks must be corrected before any adjustment and proof of repair must be submitted with the form.
The City does not perform leak detection services for customers.
Here are a few helpful resources if you suspect you have a water leak or received a bill that indicates that you may have a water leak:
If you fixed the leak, but still suspect you have a water leak or keep receiving bills that indicate that you have a water leak, please note that is it not uncommon to have more than one leak or have another leak start soon after you fix the original problem.
Thank you in advance for being mindful of protecting our most precious resource—water.
The resource EyeOnWater can be used to monitor your water account and see your usage. You can also set up leak alerts.
You can create an account on EyeOnWater here.
Reading your water meter will tell you how much water you're using and whether you have a leak. Most meters are near the curb in front of your home or business, under a concrete lid.
Billing units are in hundred cubic feet "HCF." To obtain HCF, subtract your last reading from the current reading to determine your use in hundred cubic feet. To convert your usage to gallons, multiply by 748 (one hundred cubic feet (1 HCF) equals 748 gallons).
Keep an eye on your water usage. We're actively upgrading meters with cellular technology allowing you to track hourly water usage online and set up leak alerts. Check if your meter is eligible at Eye on Water.
It is the policy of the City of Thousand Oaks to use every reasonable and possible means to provide our customers with the right to safe, accessible, and affordable water. For information or to discuss options for averting shutoff, please call Finance Public Services at 805-449-2201. Customers can also view our full policy available by selecting your preferred language:
Shut-offs 2023: 198
Shut-offs 2024 YTD: 103