Eco-Friendly New Years Resolutions

December 19, 2024

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There are many ways to integrate sustainable habits into your resolutions to improve your health, well-being, and the well-being of the planet.

As we close the door on 2024 and welcome the new year, many of us may commit to resolutions of health and self-improvement. Why not make 2025 the year to help improve the planet as well? There are many ways to integrate sustainable habits into your resolutions to improve your health, well-being, and the well-being of the planet.

Here are 10 simple ways to go green in 2025:

1. Conserve water – fix water leaks promptly, take shorter showers, run full loads in your dishwasher and clothes washer, remove turf, and replace with drought-tolerant native plants.

2 . Reduce food waste – as you plan your meals for the week, consider smaller, well-portioned meals, and only purchase needed ingredients. Avoid foods with excessive or non-recyclable packaging. Avoid buying bulk amounts of food that you won’t be able to consume before they expire. Make soups or casseroles with leftovers. Place any unavoidable food scraps in your home compost pile or your organics (green) bin.

3. Adjust your thermostat - decrease your thermostat setting by two degrees in the winter and increase by two degrees in the summer to reduce energy consumption. Consider installing a smart thermostat, which makes it easy to monitor your energy consumption and control your thermostat from your mobile device.

4. Ride a bicycle, scooter, or walk – for short trips, ride your bike, scooter, or walk to reduce carbon emissions and get some fresh air and exercise. The City has many miles of bike lanes and routes. There is a state incentive program for eligible residents that offers vouchers toward the purchase of an e-bike.

5 . Take public transportation – for longer trips across town, take the bus. It’s affordable and reduces traffic congestion and carbon emissions. The City of Thousand Oaks transit operates 5 convenient bus routes around town and periodically offers free fare days.

6. Unplug to reduce phantom energy – unplug phone chargers, appliances, and other electronic devices when not in use to minimize the “phantom” energy they still draw when plugged in.

7 . Plant a garden – growing your own vegetables and herbs not only encourages healthy eating but also reduces carbon emissions (from agricultural transport), avoids harmful fertilizers and pesticides, and saves you money.

8. Donate Clothes & Electronics – perhaps your resolution to lose weight is working, and you no longer fit in your clothes, or you may have acquired new electronic devices throughout the year. Give them a second life and donate gently used items to Goodwill or other local thrift stores or charities.

9. Recycle more – while most of us are accustomed to placing paper, cardboard, and beverage containers in the recycling bin when preparing meals, make a conscious effort to place glass jars, metal cans, containers, and paper-based cartons and boxes in the recycling bin. Check out the What Goes Where recycling guide from Athens Services for more info.

10. Repair - in today’s disposable and single-use culture, manufacturers have conditioned us to dispose of items when they break and conveniently replace them with new ones. Some items are damaged beyond repair and warrant replacement, but they can be repaired in many cases, extending their life, saving money, and avoiding premature landfill disposal. With a few simple tools and the help of YouTube and other online resources, you can repair things like TVs, appliances, automobiles, clothing, etc.

While you may not be able to commit to all of these ideas, even embracing a few can make a difference and reduce your environmental impact in the new year. The City has a way to help you implement and monitor these sustainable actions and invites you to participate in the Thousand Oaks Resiliency Challenge. By joining this new initiative, you can take action and reduce your environmental impact while creating a healthier community. It's free and easy to get started. Create a profile, set goals, track and share your progress, and engage others in your efforts.

Join the challenge today!